Spirulina is the world healthiest food. It derived from various microscopic species of primitive Blue-Green algae. Most commonly Spirulina Maxima and Spirulina Platensis that grow naturally in some lakes in Central & South America and Africa. It contains 60% of all-vegetable protein, with 18 amino acids, rich in beta-carotene and phytonutrients and a striking profile of vitamins, and minerals. It also provides maximum herbal support for maintaining normal vital functions, ability to fight stress, physical energy, endurance, optimize Oxygen utilization, enhances cellular immune function, protect cells from radiation hazards. The main sources are Spirulina Maxima, Spirulina Platensis and constituents are 60% all vegetable protein, essential vitamins except vit-D & vit-B12, amino acids, beta carotine, rare essential fatty acid GLA, sulpholipids, glycolipids, phycocyanin and polysaccharide phycocyanin, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, sulphur and other alkaline elements. This product is in the capsule format and daily 2 capsules can be used twice a day with fresh water. This is very effective for gastric patients, who carry it in the chronic form.
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